Topic 30

cognition animal behavior social animals behavioral behaviour behaviors individuals foraging females individual behavioural males male female insects learning when food whether their more not how they species tested cues decision group decisions task rats reward did groups maze preference choice wild test conspecifics fish feeding bees reinforcement behaviours use choices environment differences aggression navigation visual between or do movement contexts mating environments tracking mates cognitive preferences time experience sex predators than laboratory predator acoustic movements differ making field may tests learn tasks vocal hypothesis often performance sexes bee across body societies about locomotor humans predation suggest over adult effect ants

506 items. Top items listed below.

To group or not to group: Effect of prolonged exposure to predation and resource availability on the shoaling behaviour of zebrafish (Danio rerio) 30 5

Threshold assessment, categorical perception, and the evolution of reliable signaling 30 23 21 5 2

Evolution of behavioral resistance in host-pathogen systems 155 30 21 5

Fright and Fight: Role of predation and competition on mate search tactics of wild male zebrafish 56 30 5

No evidence for cross-contextual consistency in spatial learning and behavioural flexibility in a passerine 155 30 21 5 2

Long-term repeatability in social behaviours suggests stable social phenotypes in wild chimpanzees 30 5

Simulating bout-and-pause patterns with reinforcement learning 7 2

Optimal Random Avoidance Strategy in Prey-Predator Interactions 30 5

Reward Value Is More Important Than Physical Saliency During Bumblebee Visual Search For Multiple Rewarding Targets 30 23 2

Spatially clustered resources increase aggregation and mating duration in Drosophila melanogaster 30 5

Emergent behavioral organization in heterogeneous groups of a social insect 155 30 5 2

Mobbing-like response to secondary predator cues is not a form of teaching in meerkats 30 23 5 2

Social networks predict the life and death of honey bees 155 30 2

Equal performance but distinct behaviors: Astatotilapia burtoni sex differences in a novel object recognition task and spatial maze 30 2

Measuring social networks in primates: wearable sensors vs. direct observations 155 30 4 2

Rapid evolution of coordinated and collective movement in response to artificial selection 30 21 5

Changes in group size during resource shifts reveal drivers of sociality across the tree of life 155 30 21 5

State-behavior feedbacks suppress personality variation in boldness during foraging in sticklebacks 30 15 5 2

How to use random walks for modeling the movement of wild animals 30 4

Shift work dynamics and division of labor: honeybee foraging and fanning tasks 155 30 5

Neuroendocrine and behavioral measures of negative valence in male sign-tracker and goal-tracker rats 71 30 2

Meta-analysis shows that context-dependent mating behaviour is inconsistent or weak across animals 30 5

What drive information-seeking in healthy and addicted behaviors 58 30 2

Comparing proportional and ordinal dominance ranks reveals multiple competitive landscapes in an animal society 56 30 5

Is diversity in worker body size important for the performance of bumble bee colonies? 30 5 2

Brain size predicts learning abilities in bees 30 2

Wing-pattern-specific effects of experience on mating behavior in Heliconius melpomene butterflies 30 21 5 2

Influences of male age, mating history and starvation on female post mating aggression and feeding in Drosophila 56 30 21 15 5

Divergent strategies for learning in males and females 58 30 23 2

The effects of exposure to predators on personality and plasticity 30 2

Moderate early-life stress improves adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) spatial short-term memory but does not affect social and anxiety-like responses 113 30 15 2

Season-specific carry-over of early-life associations in a monogamous bird species 30 5

Bidirectional regulation of cognitive and anxiety-like behaviors by dentate gyrus mossy cells in male and female mice 56 11 2

Sex differences in vocalizations to familiar or unfamiliar females in mice 56 30 15 5

The impact of turbidity on foraging and risk taking in the invasive Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and a threatened native cichlid (Oreochromis amphimelas) 30 5

Cognitive performance and stress responsiveness in the Trinidadian Guppy: a multivariate approach 155 30 21 5 2

Sensitivity to food and cocaine cues are independent traits in a large sample of heterogeneous stock rats. 71 30 2

Stability and individual variability of social attachment in imprinting 30 23 2

The wisdom of stalemates: consensus and clustering as filtering mechanisms for improving collective accuracy 30 2

The adaptive value of tandem communication in ants: insights from an agent-based model 30 5

Visual search mimics configural processing in associative learning 30 23 2

Variation and variability in Drosophila grooming behavior 155 30 5 2

A Comprehensive and Predictive Agent-based Model for Collective House-Hunting in Ant Colonies 30 4

Dynamic longitudinal behavior in animals exposed to chronic social defeat stress 30 15

Comparison of solitary and collective foraging strategies of Caenorhabditis elegans in patchy food distributions 30 5

Similarities and differences in spatial and non-spatial cognitive maps 58 23 2

Relationship between personality and cognitive traits in domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 30 15 2

Decreased investigatory head scanning during exploration in learning-impaired, aged rats 113 66 30 2

Multitask Learning over Shared Subspaces 100 26 23 2

Cooperative foraging behavior during larval stage affects fitness in Drosophila 30

A framework for studying behavioral evolution by reconstructing ancestral repertoires 30 21 5

Social recognition in rats and mice requires integration of olfactory, somatosensory and auditory cues 30 23 2

How do biases in sex ratio and disease characteristics affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections? 56 30 21 5

What drives male association tendencies in wild zebrafish? Role of female and vegetation densities 30 5

Sexually monomorphic wing pigmentation pattern does not contribute to mate choice in Drosophila guttifera 56 30 5

Personality traits change after an opportunity to mate 30 15 5 2

Spatial preferences account for inter-animal variability during the continual learning of a dynamic cognitive task 58 30 2

Testosterone-mediated behavior shapes the emergent properties of social networks 30 5

Collective decision making by rational agents with differing preferences 30 5 2

Honey bees solve a multi-comparison ranking task by probability matching 30 2

Assessing the acoustic behaviour of Anopheles gambiae s.l. dsxF mutants: Implications for Vector Control 56 30 21 5

Inference and search on graph-structured spaces 157 58 30 26 23 2

Causal evidence for the adaptive benefits of social foraging in the wild 30 5

Data-Driven Modeling of Resource Distribution in Honeybee Swarms 30 5

Predatory behaviour as a personality trait in a wild fish population 7 5

Unique features of stimulus-based probabilistic reversal learning 58 30 23 2

Intrinsic, dynamic and effective connectivity among large-scale brain networks modulated by oxytocin 22 2

Identifying reliable fitness proxies for growing animals responding to anthropogenic changes 30 17 5

The evolution of social dominance through reinforcement learning 30 21 5

Explaining the effects of distractor statistics in visual search 30 23 2

Complex dynamics of choice during operant extinction and a simple associative learning account 58 30 23 2

Young chicks quickly lose their spontaneous preference to aggregate with females 56 30 15 2

Defending as a unit: sex- and context-specific territorial defence in a duetting bird 56 30 5

Bumblebees learn a relational rule but switch to a win-stay/lose-switch heuristic after extensive training 30 23 2

Navigational strategies underlying temporal phototaxis in Drosophila larvae 30 2

Humans adapt their anticipatory eye movements to the volatility of visual motion properties 23 2

Humans Discriminate Individual Large-Billed Crows by their Calls 30 23 2

Effects of male age and female presence on male associations in a large, polygynous mammal in southern India 170 56 7 5

Adaptation supports short-term memory in a visual change detection task 100 23 2

Quantitative comparison of Drosophila behavior annotations by human observers and a machine learning algorithm 26 7 4 2

Colour vision and information theory: the receptor noise-limited model implies optimal colour discrimination by opponent channels 30 23

How prior pair-bonding experience affects future bonding behavior in monogamous prairie voles 7

The Role of Temperature on the Development of Circadian Rhythms in Honey Bee Workers 30 15 5

TREBLE: a generalizable framework for high-throughput behavioral analysis 30 2

Are "early birds" bolder? Early daily activity is not correlated with risk-taking behaviour in a major invasive species 30 5 2

Processing of novel food reveal payoff and rank-biased social learning in a wild primate 30 2

A naturalistic environment to study natural social behaviors and cognitive tasks in freely moving monkeys 30 2

Temporal and genetic variation in female aggression after mating 30 21 5

Mobbing-like response to secondary predator cues informs group behaviour in wild meerkats 30 15 2

Genetic relatedness cannot explain social preferences in black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata). 30 5

Ape cultures do not require behaviour copying 7 5

Behavioral traits that define social dominance are the same that reduce social influence in a consensus task 30 2

Implicit counterfactual effect in partial feedback reinforcement learning: behavioral and modeling approach 58 30 2

The Hex-Maze: A previous knowledge and schema task for mice 66 30 2

Delay of gratification in non-human animals: A review of inter- and intra-specific variation in performance 30 5

No effect of monetary reward in a visual working memory task 30 23 2

The Kamin Blocking Effect in Sign and Goal Trackers 30 23 2

Maternal glucocorticoids do not influence HPA axis activity or behavior of juvenile wild North American red squirrels 30 15 5

Mantis shrimp rank the shape of an object over its color during recognition 30 23

Learning steers the ontogeny of an efficient hunting sequence in zebrafish larvae. 30 2