Topic 157

decision neuroscience models making empirical task bayesian perceptual evidence stimulus model inference decisions noise participants choice probabilistic confidence behavior computational propose neural uncertainty predictions observers cognition sensory learning optimal drift experiments trial estimates they hypothesis based stimuli choices theoretical prior when situations framework actions tasks diffusion internal captures learn one priors options psychophysical movements hierarchical humans animal account operate ddm way psychophysics self modulated explain recent previous reward sequential research attractor concept subjective signal been asked option two rules accuracy over optimally behavioral predicted distributions reliability biases rewards efficient proposed heuristic sensorimotor incoming on bias principle times consistency typically reinforcement

55 items. Top items listed below.

Dual strategies in human confidence judgments 157 23 2

Uncertainty is Maintained and Used in Working Memory 157 58 23 2

Fitting drift-diffusion decision models to trial-by-trial data 157 58 38 30 23 2

A confirmation bias in perceptual decision-making due to hierarchical approximate inference 157 58 23 2

An empirical test of the role of value certainty in decision making 157 58 38 2

Population codes of prior knowledge learned through environmental regularities 157 58 23 2

Confidence-controlled Hebbian learning efficiently extracts category membership from stimuli encoded in view of a categorization task 157 58 23 2

Bayesian confidence for drift diffusion observers in dynamic stimuli tasks 157 30 23 2

Inference and search on graph-structured spaces 157 58 30 26 23 2

Value Certainty in Diffusion Decision Models 157 58 38 2

Balancing control: a Bayesian interpretation of habitual and goal-directed behavior 157 58 23 2

Deep Active Inference and Scene Construction 157 58 23 2

Nonlinear neural network dynamics accounts for human confidence in a sequence of perceptual decisions 58 23 2

Temporal and state abstractions for efficient learning, transfer and composition in humans 157 58 38 23 2

Changes within neural population codes can be inferred from psychophysical threshold studies 157 23 2

Timing of readiness potentials reflect a decision-making process in the human brain 58 23 2

Human belief state-based exploration and exploitation in an information-selective reversal bandit task 157 58 23 2

Flexible categorization in perceptual decision making 157 58 23 2

Evidence integration and decision-confidence are modulated by stimulus consistency 157 58 23 2

Hierarchical Bayesian Models of Reinforcement Learning: Introduction and comparison to alternative methods 157 26 4 2

An active inference approach to modeling structure learning: concept learning as an example case 157 38 26 4 2

Uncertainty-driven regulation of learning and exploration in adolescents: A computational account 58 23 2

Explaining distortions in metacognition with an attractor network model of decision uncertainty 157 58 38 2

Humans sacrifice decision-making for action execution when a demanding control of movement is required 157 58 23 2

A neurally plausible model for online recognition and postdiction in a dynamical environment 157 100 23 2

Metamers of Bayesian computation 157 58 23 2

Efficient coding of numbers explains decision bias and noise 157 23 2

Embodied Cognition and Decision-Making in the Primate Superior Colliculus 157 58 23 2

The positive evidence bias in perceptual confidence is not post-decisional 157 58 23 2

A new model of decision processing in instrumental learning tasks 157 58 38 2

Self-operated stimuli improve subsequent visual motion processing 157 23 2

History-dependent changes of Gamma distribution in multistable perception 157 23 2

Getting stuck in a rut as an emergent feature of a dynamic decision-making system 157 38 23 2

A qualitative difference in decision-making of rats vs. humans explained by quantitative differences in behavioral variability 58 23 2

Bayesian transfer in a complex spatial localisation task 157 23 2

Humans adapt their anticipatory eye movements to the volatility of visual motion properties 23 2

Interacting with volatile environments stabilizes hidden-state inference and its brain signatures 58 23 2

Abstract neuronal choice signals during embodied decisions 58 23 2

Similarities and differences in spatial and non-spatial cognitive maps 58 23 2

Extracting the Dynamics of Behavior in Decision-Making Experiments 58 23 2

Neural Correlates of Value Are Intrinsically History Dependent 58 2

A simple model for learning in volatile environments 157 38 26 4 2

Replay as structural inference in the hippocampal-entorhinal system 157 38 2

The Predictive Global Neuronal Workspace: A Formal Active Inference Model of Visual Consciousness 157 38 2

Linear vector models of time perception account for saccade and stimulus novelty interactions 157 23 2

Rapid acquisition of near optimal stopping using Bayesian by-products 58 23 2

Neural systems underlying the learning of cognitive effort costs 58 23 2

Rational arbitration between statistics and rules in human sequence learning 157 2

Evidence accumulation under uncertainty - a neural marker of emerging choice and urgency 58 23 2

Belief states and categorical-choice biases determine reward-based learning under perceptual uncertainty 58 23 2

Similar history biases for distinct prospective decisions of self-performance 58 23 2

The construction and deconstruction of sub-optimal preferences through range-adapting reinforcement learning 157 58 30 23 2

Orbitofrontal cortex and learning predictions of state transitions 58 23 2

The effect of counterfactual information on outcome value coding in medial prefrontal and cingulate cortex: from an absolute to a relative neural code. 58 23 2

An associative learning account of sensorimotor adaptation 157 23 2

Rational Inattention and Tonic Dopamine 58 23 2

Metastable attractors explain the variable timing of stable behavioral action sequences 157 2

Concurrent Guidance of Attention by Multiple Working Memory Items: Behavioral and Computational Evidence 23 2

Stimulus reliability automatically biases temporal integration of discrete perceptual targets 157 23 2

Bayesian Inference with Incomplete Knowledge Explains Perceptual Confidence and its Deviations from Accuracy 58 23 2

Multitask Learning over Shared Subspaces 100 26 23 2

Adaptation supports short-term memory in a visual change detection task 100 23 2

Prior expectations of motion direction modulate early sensory processing 23 2

Mice alternate between discrete strategies during perceptual decision-making 58 23 2

Temporal expectation hastens decision onset but does not affect evidence quality 23 2

Unification of Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithms for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging with the Majorization Minimization Framework 157 123 59 26 4 2

Inhibitory midbrain neurons mediate decision making 157 50 11 2

Cumulative distribution functions: An alternative approach to examine the triggering of prepared motor actions in the StartReact effect 157 23 2

History biases reveal novel dissociations between perceptual and metacognitive decision-making 58 23 2

Bayesian Encoding and Decoding as Distinct Perspectives on Neural Coding 157 38 2

Confirmatory evidence that healthy individuals can adaptively adjust prior expectations and interoceptive precision estimates 157 23 2

Invariance of neural representations cannot be validly inferred from neuroimaging decoding studies: Empirical and computational evidence 23 2

Independent and Interacting Value Systems for Reward and Information in the Human Prefrontal Cortex 58 2

The predictive brain in action: Involuntary actions reduce body prediction errors 157 23 2

Modulation of neural activity in frontopolar cortex drives reward-based motor learning 80 58 23 2

Visual attention modulates the integration of goal-relevant evidence and not value 58 23 2

Quantifying the subjective cost of self-control in humans 157 58 2

Evidence and urgency-related EEG signals during dynamic decision-making in humans 58 23 2

Efficient sampling and noisy decisions 58 23 2

Visual search mimics configural processing in associative learning 30 23 2

Scene context impairs perception of semantically congruent objects 23 2

Correlations enhance the behavioral readout of neural population activity in association cortex 58 23 2

The suboptimality of perceptual decision making with multiple alternatives 58 23 2

Computational evidence for hierarchically-structured reinforcement learning in humans 58 23 2

The covariance perceptron: A new paradigm for classification and processing of time series in recurrent neuronal networks 100 50 38 23 2

Constrained brain volume in an efficient coding model explains the fraction of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in sensory cortices 50 2

No evidence for effect of reward motivation on coding of behaviorally relevant category distinctions across the frontoparietal cortex 23 22 2

Dissociable mechanisms govern when and how strongly reward attributes affect decisions 58 23 2

Dynamic expressions of confidence within an evidence accumulation framework 58 23 2

Hierarchical effects of choice related activity and neural encoding during feature selective attention 23 2

Differentiating between integration and non-integration strategies in perceptual decision making 58 23 2

Reinforcement Learning approaches to hippocampus-dependant flexible spatial navigation 66 58 23 2

Large prospective losses lead to sub-optimal sensorimotor decisions in humans 157 58 30 2

Slow drift of neural activity as a signature of impulsivity in macaque visual and prefrontal cortex 58 23 2

Spiking neural network model of motor cortex with joint excitatory and inhibitory clusters reflects task uncertainty, reaction times, and variability dynamics 50 2

Evidence accumulation determines conscious access 23 2

Opposite effects of choice history and stimulus history resolve a paradox of sequential choice bias 58 23 2

Normative Circuit Dynamics Across Human Cortex During Evidence Accumulation in Changing Environments 58 50 23 2

Negative Affect Induces Rapid Learning of Counterfactual Representations: A Model-based Facial Expression Analysis Approach 58 23 2

EEG correlates of physical effort and reward processing during reinforcement learning 58 23 2