When I was a young lad in the '90s


When I was a young lad in the '90s, Bill Gates was a bad guy. Turns out he just hadn't gotten to the "and give to the poor" bit. Now Google and Apple are battling for OS dominance and the cloud runs Linux.

When I was a young lad in the '90s, geeks and nerds were oppressed and didn't form roving online gangs.

When I was a young lad in the '90s, free software was going to change the world. That kinda half worked.

When I was a young lad in the '90s, the internet was going to facilitate new systems for creating intellectual property without resorting to copyright. Whuffie would be the new unit of currency. Kickstarter is pretty neat. Reddit scares me a little. Anita Sarkeesian had a pretty successful kickstarter, and then so did her opponents.

When I was a young lad in the '90s, blogging was going to change everything. We streamlined it and got facebook and tumblr and memes. The past is now unimaginable.

When I was a young lad in the '90s, the internet offered wonderful new ways of making money with very little startup cost, offering the chance to spread wealth down the long tail. Now agile startups trash whole industries overnight. Etsy has some neat stuff on it though.

When I was a young lad in the '90s, GUIs were making computers more than just a niche interest. Now everyone's learning to code.

Victory, terrible victory, and I'm so lost.
